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Paper Hands

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In the cryptocurrency community, the term “paper hands” is used to refer to people who are not committed to holding onto their investments for the long term, and who are likely to sell their investments at the first sign of market volatility or bearish conditions. This is often seen as a sign of weak conviction or lack of confidence in the value and potential of cryptocurrencies.

The term “paper hands” (the opposite of Diamond Hands) is a play on the phrase “strong hands”, which is often used to refer to investors who are able to hold onto their investments through difficult market conditions. The term “paper hands” is used to emphasize the weak and easily shaken nature of these investors, who are seen as being unable to withstand market volatility and are likely to sell their investments at the first sign of trouble.

In general, having “paper hands” is seen as a negative quality in the cryptocurrency community. It is often associated with a short-term perspective and a lack of belief in the fundamental value and potential of cryptocurrencies. By selling their investments at the first sign of trouble, people with “paper hands” may miss out on potential long-term gains and opportunities in the market.

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